Saturday, November 17, 2007

Day 12

Well, I didn't play much on thursday or friday, and then today I was feeling like playing some MTTs, since I haven't played any in a while. But I didn't want to risk wasting a whole nother day if I went deep in a few tourneys that were like 5-6 hour long tournies, and busted out deep but not deep enough to make any real money, and then more than half the day is gone, and I'd be all irritated and I wouldn't feel like playing any cash games after that anyway, so I didn't want to load up a bunch of daily MTTs. So I decided to just do a 4-tabling set of the $12 180-man turbos. The tourneys usually take 1 and a half hours from start to finish, to at most around 1 hour and 45 minutes I think, and during peak hours they were loading pretty fast, maybe every 5 or 10 minutes. So it didn't take long for me to open 4 of them. In the first set I built pretty decent chip stacks in a couple of them and was getting near the money, but ended up busting before the money in any of them, so since only about an hour had passed I decided to do another set 4-tabling set, and I ended up going deep in one of them. I entered the final table with around 48,000 chips I think, and although in the past I got extremely unlucky and ran horribly at the final tables of these $12 180-man turbos, this time it went fairly well, and a bunch of people busted out pretty quickly, and I was still sitting on 40,000+ chips when it was at 3 handed. Then just a few hands into 3 handed I get pocket aces and the button limps with k j and I shove all in preflop on him, and he CALLS, lol (blinds at 2k/4k+antes). So obv I don't win cuz there's a 5-flush on the board so we tie. So ended up getting 3rd :( Probably coul have gotten 2nd place or better if I won that hand I think, cuz the chipleader was the guy I just talked about, and he wasn't very good. Anyway, then I played a few hu sngs and kept going win lose win lose win lose etc. I might play some more hu sngs later tonight after I post this, but for now here's the updates numbers:

Day 12 start: +$601.98

Day 12 end: +$666.15

Money needed: $4,333.85

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 9

Well, after I wrote my blog post for day 8 last night, I decided to put in a quick late night session. I sat at a single $.50/1.00nl 6-max table. I recognized the player directly to my left as dandickau, so I was kind of nervous about that, since he's probably pretty good, so I decided I didn't want to play too long at the table, but I would still finish out my orbit. Anyway so I pick up KK and get into an all in war against some guy's QQ an end up stacking him for $100 just a few minutes after sitting at the table. So that was a fun way to end the night. Then I started the day off by winning a 6-max sng, and then I played some $50nl hu tables and did pretty well there too. Then I 4-tabled some $25nl 6-max for a bit, and ran pretty terrible, taking two pretty bad beats postflop within a few minutes of each other for an all-in. I played some more $50nl hu but I lost over a buyin when all my bluffs kept getting picked off, and I kept having a lot of big pots where I held the lead until the river and got fucked over, so it didn't go very well. Overall the results were pretty good for the day I guess:

Day 9 start: +$492.63

Day 9 end: +$601.98

Money needed: $4,398.02

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 8

Oh man... what to say. Well, early on in the day things went pretty horribly. I tried getting more aggressive and making more big bluffs on the later streets, but it didn't work, and I was getting called down extremely light when I was on huge total bluffs, so I lost a bunch of money early on like that. I played a little less wild maybe after that and regained most of my big early losses of the day, turning it from a horror show into a roughly breakeven day. I played a lot of volume today, all at $50nl hu tables, and occasionally I was two tabling it, but mostly just 1-tabling it. Probably played more hu hands today than any of the other days in this challenge so far.

Here's today's numbers:

Day 8 start: +$488.98

Day 8 end: +$492.63

Money needed: $4,507.37

Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 7

I played some sngs late last night, and they went terribly as usual. I opened four $11 sngs first, and lost all of them. Then I opened four $16 sngs and lost 3 of those. So was down around $70ish last night going into today. Lost another $50+ in sngs today I think. Play a TON of $50nl heads up today. I ran bad for a large portion of it, and kept not being able to capitalize on donks due to terrible rivercards falling on a lot of my big hands. For example stuff like me raising to $1.50 preflop with 88 and flop comes 6 7 8 and we get some money in the pot. Turn is like a q or something and more money goes in and river is like a 9 and it cocmpletes a 3-flush in the board in addition to making a 4-straight on the board, and maybe there's $30-$40 in the pot and he bets like $30-$35 all in on the river and I have to fold etc. I feel like I played very well today for the most part

with one single exception:

This was the first time in several weeks, maybe even a couple months that I have made a mistake of this magnitude. In this case it only cost me about $20, but even so, I am furious about it. I was checking my voicemail on my cell phone during this hand, and I somehow did not notice the pair of 3's on the board, which ended up costing me dearly as you can see below:

PokerStars Game #13208706695: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2007/11/12 - 23:23:06 (ET)
Table 'Kassandra' 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: bfactor ($74.95 in chips)
Seat 2: TiberiusT ($25.25 in chips)
bfactor: posts small blind $0.25
TiberiusT: posts big blind $0.50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to bfactor [Js Jc]
bfactor: raises $1 to $1.50
TiberiusT: calls $1
*** FLOP *** [3d Ac 3h]
TiberiusT: checks
bfactor: bets $1.50
TiberiusT: calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [3d Ac 3h] [As]
TiberiusT: checks
bfactor: checks
*** RIVER *** [3d Ac 3h As] [Jd]
TiberiusT: bets $2.50
bfactor: raises $69.45 to $71.95 and is all-in
TiberiusT: calls $19.75 and is all-in
*** SHOW DOWN ***
bfactor: shows [Js Jc] (a full house, Jacks full of Aces)
TiberiusT: shows [Ah 9h] (a full house, Aces full of Threes)
TiberiusT collected $50 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $50.50 | Rake $0.50
Board [3d Ac 3h As Jd]
Seat 1: bfactor (button) (small blind) showed [Js Jc] and lost with a full house, Jacks full of Aces
Seat 2: TiberiusT (big blind) showed [Ah 9h] and won ($50) with a full house, Aces full of Threes

Obviously if I had seen the pair of threes on the board I would have at most just-called the $2.50 bet on the river, or maybe even folded to it, rather than raising $20 more over the top lol. Fuck!!!!

Anyway, despite losing a ton of money I think $100+ in the sngs today (ran horrible) I lost less than $100 overall today, so in the cash games I'm on a pretty long streak of consecutive winning days now. I am pretty happy with how the day went overall, and I feel like I will be able to successfully complete this challenge.

Here's the numbers:

Day 7 start: +$570.18

Day 7 end: +$488.98

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day 6

Sorry for the lack of updates. I didn't play much at all on friday or saturday. I was up around $0.00 for friday/saturday only played a few hands. Barely played at all so far today, maybe put in an hour tops so far, but I just stacked some guy at $50nl I think I'm up around $60 or $70 for today so far. I think I'm gonna play a bunch more later tonight though, so I'm not gonna update the totals yet. It might be the 12th by the time I update it if I play through midnight tonight.

Edit****** So after I watched the rerun of the hilarious guitar hero episode of South Park I played some more $50nl heads-up tables. I spent a little while trading small pots with a few opponents, but I kept standing up from tables and finding new opponents, cuz I don't really want to play long matches against anyone who doesn't seem to have immediately obvious major flaws in their game. I mean, maybe 10-20% of the players at the $50nl heads-up tables are just TERRIBLE, like as in the kinds of players who will call your preflop raise with queen 3 offsuit, and then when the flop comes k q 7 they call your c-bet of $2 on the flop, and then on the turn they don't improve but they call your $5 bet anyway, and then on the river they still don't improve at all, but they call your $12 bet on the river anyway etc. I mean THAT is who you want your heads up opponent to be. Not some guy who just plays tag and never does anything stupid or dangerous. Even if you play good against a tough tag, at $50nl I would think it would be tough to even beat the sick rake. So I really try to stand up as quickly as I can if I don't think my opponent is too horrible, and I just keep looking around till I find a soft opponent.

Anyway, so as I was saying, I skip around a little bit looking for a big donkey, and finally I find one. He buys in for $50 too, which is great, cuz a lot of the donks like to buy in for $10-$30, so its always nice when they aren't just a donk, but a donk with lots of dough. So anyway he plays just absolutely TERRIBLE. I mean just a few hands in I pick up QQ in the big blind. I could already tell he might not be so good, because of his constant overbets on all the previous hands. So as usual he raises me preflop this time to $2 (although he raised bigger sometimes). I reraise to $6 and he reraises all in for $50. With KK it woulda been a total snapcall but with QQ its a little tougher, but I called pretty quickly anyway since he just wasn't looking at all like a TAG and I figured his range was probably like at best maybe JJ+ with AK, which would be around even-EV for me to call, or if my hunch was right that he was just a huge donk, then who knows what he had. Turns out he had Ace 5 lolllllll. So he loses. Then he has like $1.20 or something, so I sit out, and the he types "wyf" (mispelling wtf I probably) and rebuys for $50. So I sit back in and he continues to play terrible, maybe worse even. Finally I am sitting at over $150 a few minutes later and he rebuys back to $50 as usual. He finally tightens way up though and stops playing all crazy so I just stand up and leave. Anyway, I can see now just how much money can be made if you really try select soft opponents, it just feels soooooo much easier to make money off horrible players in a deepstacked hu nl cash game than solid tag players to me.

Anyways as usual I'm getting a little carried away with all the typing, here's the numbers for today:

Day 6 start: +$360.93

Day 6 end: +$570.18

Money needed: $4,429.82

(if I end up playing any more hands after I already posted the day's results, I just lump in whatever happens that night into the following day's results, so if I play more hands today for example, any changes in my bankroll will go into my update for tomorrow)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 3

Nothing too interesting.

Day 3 start: +$324.38

Day 3 end: +$360.93

Money needed: $4,639.07

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 2

Played some more 6-max $100nl. Also played some $50nl heads-up tables.

Day 2 start: +$229.48

Day 2 end: +$324.38

Money needed: $4,675.62

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

$5,000 in 100 days

Bill Ivey did a $100,000 dollars in 100 days challenge, playing at 5/10nl for a lot of it.

I think I'm going to start off 4-tabling $.5/1.00nlhe 6-max. If I get off to a good start, I might revise the challenge to a $10,000 in 100 days challenge. If I dip down to $500 or more dollars below the starting point of "$0.00" I will move down to $50nl until I am back to $0.00 or above and then go back to $100nl. Basically, I figure if I get crushed at the beginning and have to move down to $50nl for a while plus be all grouchy from getting pounded down, a $5,000 goal would be more realistic for 100 days. If I got lucky instead though, and got off to a big start and made like $1k or something off the bat, then unless I went on a 15 buyin downswing after that, I would never have to dip down and waste time at $50nl. I think I could make $10,000 in 100 days if I got to play $100nl for the entireity of it, so that's why depending on what kind of a start I get off to I will decide on whether to keep it a 5k in 100 days challenge or a $10k in 100 days challenge.

Day 1 start: +$0.00

Day 1 end: +$229.48

Profit needed: $4,770.52